Saturday, February 11, 2012


The wind is an interesting phenomenon. Like your heartbeat, sometimes you don't even know it's there. Sometimes it's a soft whisper brushing your face. Sometimes it is the warm breath of spring breezes taking kites soaring. Sometimes it is the harsh whipping gusts of winter. And sometimes it is so relentless and persistent that it is the focal point of your existence.

It became just that last night about one oclock. I woke from a sound sleep to clunking and bashing noises and Saffire rocking with wicked wind gusts. Jeanne and Janis were across from me in their A's and I am very glad they didn't fly apart in the wind.

I put down my antenna and had to pull in both slides because the small awnings which cover them were whipping in the wind. I am sitting looking out at the Bay which is covered with white capped waves. Accuweather says we will have 45 mph wind gusts, so I'll stay "buttoned up" for the day.

On the positive side, it is sunny and 50 degrees and Teddy and I will brave the winds and head for a good beach walk later. If we don't come home the first place to search for us is Oz!!

1 comment:

  1. Emily...Emily?...Emily that you?

    I remember so well (though I didn't write about it quite so eloquently) the wind in Texas. I became so used to it that I thought something was wrong when it stopped!

    Sounds like you're having a great time. Wind is so much better than heat.

    Guess Janis and Jeannie headed out this morning. Gail and I will join them and Patricia for dinner tomorrow night.
