Tuesday, June 16, 2009

On the Road Again

Saffire is home and ready to be packed for our next adventure.  Getting her ready to get ready was an adventure in itself.  I went out and turned on the generator and ran the air conditioner to make sure everything was operating properly, only to have it "pop" off, no generator, no a/c!
It was really good I tried it, because on taking it out for service it seems we had a one in a million problem....a WalMart plastic bag had been sucked into the intake of the generator, causing it to overheat and shut down!   No telling how long the bag had been there or where it came from, but we brought her home from the shop yesterday and I am hoping to get out and start rearranging things today.

We are planning to leave Saturday morning, my daughter Kristin and grandchildren Elyse and Philip, for Hunting Island, SC.  Hunting Island is off the coast of Beaufort, SC, and is owned by the state of SC. Hunting has almost four miles of beach and is rated one of the top ten beaches in the US, and is in the book "One Thousand Places to See Before You Die".  It sits between Charleston and Savannah.  

Our itinerary will take us through Chattanooga and Atlanta on the way to the beach.  We plan on two long days, arriving Sunday evening.  After a week at the beach we'll head to The Smoky Mountains, spending a night on the south side of the mountains, a day in the park, and a night just north of the park in Gatlinburg.  

From there we travel to Nashville and a visit to Andrew Jackson's Plantation The Hermitage, with a stop at a corps of engineers campground close by.  Then we'll make our way back to STL, Sarriving on the 30th or the 1st.  

We are all very excited about the trip, and Kristin has driven Saffire a little so that she'll feel comfortable to give me a break if need be.  

I will post updates with pictures when we have wifi, and look forward to showing you a trip with tanned children and beach treasures!