Monday, March 28, 2011


Stopping for gas and coffee less than a hundred miles from the beach had us scurrying for sweatshirts and shivering in the cold, damp air. And we weren’t alone, seemed as if everyone at the station was in the same boat. The temperatures dropped and the rain continued as we made our way to Asheville. The weather is still pretty gloomy this morning (Monday).

Friends will brighten the day, David is picking me up for lunch, then off to Cheryl and Jenni’s for dinner!

I’ve been getting Saffire rigged to tow a car, pretty mundane stuff compared to the Class A pulling an AIRPLANE down the highway. Yep, I did a double take, but it was indeed an airplane. Who needs a car, the traffic gets too heavy, take to the skies!!

A few last observations from the beach.

We saw a number of horseshoe crab shells, as well as a couple of live crabs.

They are very large and rather prehistoric looking. I had the TV on for a few minutes and there just happened to be a PBS show on the very same. Seems that the crabs are closer to spiders and tarantulas in their movements and appearance. They have a long tail that was scary looking, but it is only to help propel them along and is harmless. They have ten eyes. And all the shells we saw were not from dead crabs, but shells the crabs have shed. They grow seven to nine new shells during their lifetime.

The sea has some pretty weird stuff floating around in it!

We also were treated to display of pelican fishing prowess on our last beach walk. They spot their catch from the air, then dive straight down, fold back their wings and plunge into the water head first. They make a tremendous splash when they hit, and emerge moments later with fish in their lower bill which acts like a pouch.

The spot they were fishing was near where the porpoises were swimming a few days ago, must be lots of little fish there. It was quite a show!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Although rain was forecast, we woke to another spectacular day at the beach! It is in the low 70’s and absolutely perfect. We took a long, slow walk shelling as we went. I found another sand dollar and a few other interesting things, Luanne found more sharks teeth. She is the absolute champion spotter here at Hunting Island.

Yesterday found us back on the golf course where Luanne was the victor!!! I came in last but played better than I did on Wednesday.

We are all reorganizing and getting ready for travel tomorrow. Diane is planning on leaving early morning for a long, one day, 600+ mile drive back to Virginia. Luanne and I are heading for Asheville. We’re going to stop and see Cheryle and Jenni and my old friend Dave Hough.

I’ve had reports from home of sleet, snow and predictions for five to six more inches to follow at home. Looks like we will be driving in rain the whole way back, with freezing expected overnight in Lexington. YUCK!!!!!



  • (15 ounces each) fresh ricotta
  • 2 cups (8 ounces) grated mozzarella
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan
  • 12 lasagna noodles (about three-quarters of a 1-pound box)
  • 5 ounces (about 6 cups) baby spinach
  • Large jar of spaghetti sauce...more is better


In bowl, mix the ricotta, 1 cup of the mozzarella and Parmesan. (I did this in ziplock bag, no mess)

Use crock pot liners, no cleanup after either.

In the bottom of a 5- to 6-quart slow cooker, spread a thin layer of the sauce. Top with 3 of the noodles (breaking to fit as necessary). Spread about 1 cup of the sauce over the noodles and layer with 2 cups of the spinach and 1 1/2 cups of the cheese mixture. Repeat twice more with the noodles, sauce, spinach and cheese mixture. Top with the remaining 3 noodles, sauce and 1 cup mozzarella.

Cook on low, covered, until the noodles are tender—especially in the center of the lasagna—about 3 to 3 1/2 hours.


The golf game was great fun, and Diane took the “Pink Jacket” as the winner of our own Mistress’ Tournament! I, however, richly deserved and earned the booby prize!

We stopped at Steamers as planned and were very disappointed with the dinner, not good at all. We had much better when we cooked our own shrimp at home, which is what we are planning to do tomorrow evening!

When we got back to the campground after dinner and golf we stopped at the camp store to see if it would be possible for Deb to extend her stay. When Diane got out of the car she didn’t see a concrete block and fell right over it. It was pretty scary but she is a trooper, got up with skinned knees and hands, but thank God she didn’t hit her head or face.

It is now Thursday morning. Teddy and I got up early, yes, we really did, and walked down to the beach for the sunrise. It was beautiful but I don’t think we will greet it again tomorrow morning.

While I was taking pictures he was rolling on a dead fish, doesn’t take too much imagination to know how he smelled! He has spent the morning outside, then I washed him off with wipes and he’s finally allowed back into the house.

Today is a quiet day. Deb left early headed for Birmingham. Luanne is trying to repair stripping around her back window that the raccoon pulled off attempting to get into the car for Tucker’s food. I’ve been cleaning and straightening our house so I actually think we can live in Saffire for another week. I too have a repair job, need to put an anchor into one of the curtain pulls, think it’s going to be a small repair.

Diane and Luanne coming back for leftovers for lunch. Diane retires the first week of August and is going to be ready to head west/northwest. I’m planning on going for part of the adventure, and Luanne is throwing in too. We’re talking Yellowstone and Glacier.

You know the planning is a lot of the fun, so we’re starting over lunch today. Diane brought maps, calendars and pencils along with dreams of freedom from work.

Tonight crock pot lasagna, a new experiment. We’ll see how it turns out.


It’s another spectacular day here. I don’t know how we got so lucky, but looking at the forecast for home we better be enjoying it while we have it. St. Louis shows 44 and snow on Friday! My Grandchildren are all on spring break, glad they’ve had a few warm days before winter comes back.

We got Luanne’s number today! Diane noticed a key tied to her shoelaces and asked her if it was the key to her heart. No, Luanne replied, it’s my gym key. BUT we know, don’t we, that the gym and exercise is where her heart really is!!!!

Off to play golf in a little while, then stopping for dinner at Steamers on Lady’s Island.

All the reviews look good, and the tourist info says it’s where the film stars all go to eat while they are in Beaufort filming. Actually, sounded like Nick Nolte spent a lot of time at their bar!!

addendum...the food was AWFUL and the drinks lacking, don't go to Steamers if you go to Hunting!


Lots and lots of beach walking today, so much so that by the end of the day Diane was nearly crippled by blisters. Lest you think that will deter her, let me assure you that she is already getting psyched for her golf game Wednesday.

All the beach time paid off with some good sightings. A merganser was fishing just off the shore. He’d ride the waves, then suddenly dive and be down for a long time, only to pop up yards away from where he began after his fishing expecition.

A few days ago we saw the shell of a horseshoecrab. Today we saw one alive and it was really a cool, prehistoric looking thing with eyes on the side.

The best of all was a whole pod of porpoises playing just off the beach, putting on quite a show for us. When the first fin surfaced Jaws was foremost in our minds and the thought was SHARK! But it didn’t take long before we realized that the porpoises had come to feed and play.


Deb was having so much fun she couldn’t bring herself to leave, even though she’d be heading back to gorgeous weather at home. The site next to Diane was available for another couple of nights, so she hitched up and moved across the street. Diane told her she had obviously moved “up” in neighborhood...location, location, location!!!

After a walk on the beach the dogs are worn out and soaked from playing in the really rough surf.

We are getting ready to head to the golf course. Deb has a stiff back, so her job today is driver and commentator (actually that means chief laugher and teaser after our tremendous shots).

The weather has cleared, the sun is shining and it’s going to be low 70’s again.

Back from golf, Luanne is today’s champion!! She’s happy! Diane played like we did the first day, some good, some not so good. We had a great time, came back to the campground and had dessert instead of hors d’oveures. Drinks and dinner to follow!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


It’s been a few days since I’ve posted and it won’t take long to tell you that we’ve walked the beach, played golf and eaten good food and the days have flown by. We are four now, Luanne, Deb, Diane and me, with three dogs, Teddy, Tucker and Reileigh.

Last night was the “Super” Moon, the moon was closer to the earth than it had been in 18 years. We went to the beach around 6:30 where it was windy and a front was blowing in. After waiting for an hour, there was no moon to be seen. We were so cold and damp we headed back to our camp and started a fire. Wasn’t long before streams of people were headed to the beach where a huge orange moon was rising over the incoming tide. It was pretty spectacular and so bright you really didn’t even need a flashlight to walk in the dark.

While we were sitting at our campfire a line of flashlights about two foot off the ground came around the corner. There were at least a dozen little boys, one hand holding tight to a rope, the other their flashlights, off for a night hike with some of their dad’s. They were really cute when they came by!

We had rain overnight, and today is the first day that isn’t warm and sunny. We have lots of wind and it is overcast, making for a chilly day, it’s only 68! Canceled our tee time, it is just too windy to play today. So we are off to Beaufort to see the town, poke around the shops and find some food and a bloody mary!

Our Own Oddities

The St. Louis Post Dispatch used to run a series called “Our Own Oddities”, homegrown tidbits of things like a potato that looked like the Pope; twin sisters having twins the same day; fifteen pound tomatoes, you get the idea.

Wednesday provided Hunting Island oddities we could have submitted.

Our morning stroll on the beach headed for the lighthouse. We rounded the corner and I thought I was hallucinating! There, on the dune, was an ebony black grand piano and bench!

I was in Key Biscayne a couple of weeks ago and immediately thought of the kids who pulled a prank by putting a grand piano on a sand bar in the harbor. Turned out it wasn’t kids, but a group getting ready for a photo shoot.

We returned from the walk to find Bama Deb set up and ready to play golf. She’d just driven for hours, spent a short night in a campground on the FL/GA border but rolled in ready to go.

We had scoped out a par 3 course the day before, only to find a hay field with holes lain in rectangles for a course, the uglies thing I’d ever seen. After a little searching we found a really nice course at Lady’s Island Country Club, just 20 minutes from the Island. Because we’re still off-season it is only $25 for 18 holes with a cart!

We had so much fun, and I guess the oddity here is that I actually had a few good, solid shots! None of us is quite ready to join the Tour yet.

We walked the beach again when we got home and had some dinner.

We were sitting around chatting and Luanne wanted another beer, so walked over to her camper. She was shocked to find the door wide open!!! She says she slowly walked up to see who was inside and came face to face with a fat raccoon who was not the least bit fazed by Luanne’s appearance! He had eaten the dog food and was doing a little shopping around for other tidbits when he was disturbed. She reports he simply waddled out the door and headed for the trees when she appeared.

Thank God she didn’t have Tucker with her when she went over. It could have been an ugly end to the coon’s dinner.

So, enough ODDITIES to fill a column today. Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful and we’re planning a quiet day at the beach.

Tomorrow is March 17th, both my Dad’s birthday ( a true Irishman born of Irish parents on March 17th, 1917!!) and St. Patrick’s Day. Corned beef and cabbage is on the menu.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday, the fog rolls in

A bit of rain overnight and overcast skies for the morning. By the time I was ready for a beach walk the fog was rolling in. It was beautiful in its own way, amazing how all the color disappears and creates an atonal scene.

We’re making a trip into town for a few errands, hoping to find a new hub for Luanne’s camper. And a coffee shop with wifi so I can post to the blog and check in on the world happenings.

Deb may arrive late tonight but more likely tomorrow. The split pea soup is in the cooker, the fumes wafting down toward Gulf Shores will bring her to our doorstep with her little pot and spoon in hand for dinner!

update: We are at City Java in Beaufort after a very successful excursion. The hardware store on Lady's Island is great, and the new marine store had hubs for Luanne's camper. And the sun is now shining, so after a coffee and deli sandwich we are headed back to the beach.

Sleepless in Hunting Island

I had one of those nights last night, very light sleep or no sleep at all! This happens at home too, but I don’t have the night sounds there to compensate for the lack of sleep.

With my window open, I listened to the sounds of the ocean surging and retreating. As I lay there, I noticed a subtle difference in the sound which built to a crescendo as the high tides crashed onto the shore.

The occasional breeze stirred the palm fronds, making them sound as though a taffeta skirt were swishing outside my window.

The raccoon we saw scurrying under Saffire when we returned from our evening walk returned with thumping and scritching noises.

Luanne was up before the sun rose, taking her coffee to the beach. I waited for the warmth of the sun and two cups of coffee before I joined her for a long walk.

It is a perfect day here, in the low 70‘s with bright sunshine and a soft breeze. Luanne is developing the “Hunting Island Crouch” in her pursuit of shark’s teeth. The first prize was found today, a tiny little tooth. I’m hunting shells with holes to use in my weaving project.

We’ve been back and forth to the beach all day, Teddy is becoming a sand hound.

Watching him run on the beach is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.

Have to go, the tide is receding and it is prime “Hunting” time!!!!!

Justin Case

Our friend Justin Case was along for the ride today as usual. He prefers to travel in Saffire because she has so many places to stash things.

When we stopped for gas this morning Luanne noticed that the cap which covered her wheel bearing had fallen off. She had just had the bearing repacked so all that nice new grease was exposed to the road dirt, ready to add some lovely grit to that nice pink grease.

I can’t give Justin Case complete credit for saving the day. Two ingenious women were involved, along with some heavy duty aluminum foil, a pair of scissors, a good screwdriver and a hose clamp we bought at the gas stop. In moments the axle was covered and ready to go. It held all the way to Hunting with just a little hole.

Luanne is talking about fabricating an empty soda can (maybe beer would work better) for the trip home.

I crossed the dreaded bridge with no problem, just cars coming at me, no other large vehicles. We were all glad to arrive and know that for the next two weeks we are home.

After a very quick setup we headed to the beach.

Teddy and Tucker ran like the wind! The beach here is huge and the people few, so they are free to play tag with the waves and dig at the clams in the sand. It was long tee shirt weather, the ocean breezes fresh and cool.

A little girl was walking the beach with a kite pulling her along.

Darkness fell fast, the smoke from campfires mixed with the salty ocean odors and we were at peace with the world!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Old Man Winter

Old Man Winter still had his icy hold on Lexington, Kentucky when we arrived yesterday afternoon. Things warmed up when we found where Luanne and Tucker were camped and we began catching up on all the happenings over the winter.

Tonight we are in Asheville, NC with one more day to drive before the beach.

Zipping down the highway in Saffire compressed the weeks and brought us into springtime.
As we left Kentucky the scenery, while beautiful, was very monochromatic...all browns and greys and silver. Spring's finger had yet to touch the landscape.

The first sign was the water seeping from the towering rock cliffs which line the road. The sun's warming rays were melting the ice from deep within. Spring green became the accent color and a burst of golden yellow from a field of daffodil announced that here spring had arrived!

Spring's arrival also brought gusty winds for our drive through the mountains. We paralled the river for miles, and Luanne saw three boats running a river wild with sping melt.

One more day of mountain driving, then tomorrow afternoon I face the demon bridge, maybe closing my eyes and driving like a bat out of hell as my friend Nancy suggested...

Fear and Trepidation

Fear and trepidation, that’s what’s in my gut when I think about a heap of steel just outside of Beaufort, SC. It is an ancient draw bridge, it’s mouth a narrow maw sucking vehicles into a space barely wide enough for two cars to pass. And it feeds on shattered mirrors from unsuspecting motorists.

It was ravenous two summers ago. I fed it along with two other vehicles in the campground.

I’m hoping when I roll onto it Sunday that it is already sated from the Friday and Saturday beach traffic.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Let's Rock and Roll!

Saffire is packed and ready to rumble down the road on her new tires and Teddy and I are ready for the beach!

We went into Kirkwood today to put air in her tires and top off her tank. I was only down a quarter of a tank, but thought I'd get "cheap" (it certainly is all relative) Missouri gas.

As I pulled down the street I glanced at the odometer, it read almost 18,000 miles. That means we have traveled together over 12,000 miles in two camping seasons. And it also struck me that each of those miles was an adventure.

Unlike a car which is used for mundane daily use, Saffire's every mile was filled with either great anticipation of a new adventure or musings and replaying of our latest doings as we made our way back home.

2011 begins with a trip to Hunting Island, SC and we'll end the fall season somewhere in the West with other escapades in between. Follow along with us as we add miles and memories!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Inspiring Words

I've just visited with an elderly friend who recently moved into a nursing home. Although it is a lovely place, it is still a nursing home.

She told me the following story:
"When I was four years old my Mother put me into a dance class. I was a tomboy, not especially graceful. When it was time for the recital, roles were assigned. My age group were cabbages and flowers. I was a cabbage. We went onto the stage, the cabbages squatted down while the flowers gracefully waved in the wind. I HATED IT. Afterwards, I told my Mother "I will never be a cabbage again".

She has spent the ensuing 91 years determined to be a flower. She is carrying that same attitude to her new living arrangements, she can either be a cabbage and rot in her room, or she can be a flower and open a new chapter in her life.

I think this story has a wonderful message. I am going to take her lesson and always try to be a flower!