Wednesday, September 16, 2009


It’s Wednesday morning, I am sitting around after a frustrating night, and Luanne and Tucker have gone off for a hike.

Teddy ate later than usual last night, and when I went to bed I had a feeling he would want to go out again, and sure enough, just as I was falling asleep he did. As I came back inside after letting him out I spotted white liquid running on the floor in front of the refrigerator....french vanilla coffee creamer! And it was a large bottle I’d brought from my home refrigerator. It didn’t sit quite right in the fridge door, and I guess earlier when I’d put something else back in it turned on its side and had been seeping out for several hours. Although I was not happy about it Teddy was ecstatic, lapping as fast as his little tongue could, trying to stay ahead of my mopping.

So after I got that cleaned up and got back into bed it took a while to fall asleep. I woke some time later, and I was hot. At that point I realized I hadn’t opened the roof vents after our rain shower so had no circulation, up I get, open the vents and turn on the fan.

Lovely cool breeze now wafted through the bedroom.

And you probably think that was enough to earn the UGH title today.....wrong! Sometime before dawn I came to with my stomach feeling upset, and yep, got sick. Now that WAS enough to earn the UGH.

I’ve eaten a bit this morning and feel OK, just a bit tired. We’re going to the restaurant for some soup for lunch, after which I plan to be fully recovered and ready to fish!

Will send this off while we are at a wifi spot, and hope to report later that we landed some big trout!

Luanne says the walk was barely OK, but the weather is so beautiful it didn't matter!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I hope the soup does it and tonight we'll hear about how delicious the trout were. They also make a great breakfast. Used to eat them right where we caught them when I was a kid.
