Wednesday, September 23, 2009

1 comment:

  1. I wrote in your blog, Princess, but I'm trying to keep it short for bj:

    Oh, how I want to be there!!! River Dance, I see you are the treat giver! I'm so glad that Reileigh (sp?) has joined the "pack" and is enjoying the company of the other pups. I wish Lizzie and Jack could have enjoyed the water with him and Tucker and the others, as well.

    I love looking at the pics, and of course, you're such a good narrator, Princess. Deb, you lied!!! You are skinny!

    YES, Squirrels do poop. Oblong and dark. Like Rats. I can hear the cackling when THAT question came up.

    I'm so glad you're all having such a great time. It looks like such a beautiful place. I would have loved to have explored. No kayaking for me, but just being surrounded by good friends in a little piece of heaven is a wonderful thing.

    Sorry you've hit rain, but it doesn't seem to have dampened your spirits, at all. Your visit to the restaurant reminds me of another visit to the lodge in Shenandoah.

    I guess Deb is as wise about kayaks as she is mountain lions.

    I sent you a site about where to catch the fish at Montauk. I'm glad you're getting practice in because next time we're together, I expect to have trout for breakfast!!!

    Jeannie, are you keeping an eye on Wilson? Did your little guy go in the water?

    Cheryl and Jenni, have a safe trip--think you said you were leaving on Thursday. Keep an eye out for flooded roads. I don't know how bad it is north of us. Looks like we're going to get more rain, tonight.  
