Saturday, September 3, 2011

THE VICTORY TOUR...Saturday, Teton's MOOSE!!

MOOSE! We have been searching for a moose for a month, all through Yellowstone and Glacier and the back country of Idaho with no success. We were in our campground at Gros Ventre in The Grand Teton National Park for a few hours when Luanne took Tucker for a walk. Diane and I were at the campfire. I looked up to see Luanne waving her arms like a maniac calling


We literally threw the dogs into the campers, grabbed cameras and we were off running to see this beautiful, huge, majestic, sable brown bull moose roaming through the campground! His rack was massive and he was a beautiful animal. The pictures are not good, it was near dark, but you can get an idea of his size. Whip Hop!!! It was wonderful!!! The trip is complete!!

We started this morning leaving Arco and within fifteen miles were at the second most unique stop of the trip, the EBR-I Atomic Museum which commemorates the 1951 achievement of becoming the first power plant in the world to produce electricity from atomic energy. And that little bump in the road Arco was the first city to be supplied power from atomic energy. I found it rather eerie to think about the first nuclear power plant having been located between an active volcano at Craters and the unstable, earthquake prone area just west in Yellowstone!

Another beautiful drive on the backroads of Idaho through fertile, irrigated farm country with fields of golden wheat and emerald green brought us to the Teton Mountain Pass.

Our first sight of the Snake River and the drift boats out fishing made me want to be there too! We climbed and strained up a very long 10% grade and careened back down to land in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

All you need to do is look around and see the unique use of elk and deer racks to know you are in Jackson Hole!

On checking into the Gros Ventre campground we were lucky enough to get the last three sites which were adjacent. At check-in we were told there was a grizzly bear across the road feeding on a downed buffalo, so we were to be extra bear aware. He also said there were moose and elk roaming around the campground. I think we have seen the bear as well as the moose!

We drove a gravel road and Luanne spotted an animal way off in the distance. Look at the picture I posted, don’t you think it looks like there are two animals and that the big one on top is the bear!!??!!

What a day!!!!!!!!

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